Vanna White, courtesy of Flickr |
Don't ask me how the Facebook comments on
a photo I uploaded of my lunch at
Gene's Chinese Flatbread, a terrific Boston purveyor of Shaanxi cuisine, somehow morphed into a discussion of so-called food hacks (employing simple, inventive tricks to improve your eating), then devolved into an extended
"Chuck Norris Facts"-style riff centered on
Vanna White, "Wheel of Fortune" star. But it happened. For my part, I blame a few Guinnesses at a failed night of pub trivia earlier in the evening. But I had enough fun with it to want to reproduce it here. I have since learned that Ms. White, like many people in the entertainment business, has had a troubled relationship with food in her day, no joking matter, so I hope readers take it purely in the affectionate spirit it was intended.
Marc Hurwitz [esteemed food writer and author of the
Hidden Boston collection of blogs, which you should really read if you care about the Boston dining scene]: Vanna White is doing the garlic thing [
shaking garlic cloves vigorously between two bowls to quickly peel them, a famous food hack] on Wheel of Fortune right now. I promise this will be on half a dozen food blogs tomorrow at minimum.
MC Slim JB: It's not really a thing until Vanna does it.
Marc: Who cares about Vanna White?
MC: She was way ahead on kale, on food trucks, on poutine. She's an oracle in a spangly evening gown.
Drew Starr [another well-known
Boston food writer you should follow]: She taught Jean-Georges how to not finish baking a chocolate cake.
MC: She rearranged her food vertically on opening night at Gotham.
Marc: Wheel of Wow! Who knew? Consider me a convert.
MC: Vanna taught Ferran how to spherify.
MC: Sous-vide was based on Vanna's bathtub regimen.
MC: Vanna put a fried egg on everything when she was in grammar school.
Drew: And told Robuchon to add more butter to his potatoes.
MC: Vanna shames all her bartenders into measuring.
MC: Vanna gently suggested in an early Chowhound post that Danny Meyer should focus on hospitality.
Drew: But she can free pour.
MC: Vanna stabbed James Beard in the heart for being a cold, fish-eyed bastard.
MC: Vanna knows that they're called jimmies, not sprinkles.
MC: Vanna's soufflés rise on the better angels of her nature.
MC: Vanna out-eats Chuck Norris at churrascaria rodizio.
MC: Vanna once drank Richard Burton, Richard Harris, and Peter O'Toole under the table.
Drew: When she was running the OSS, Vanna tasked Julia and Paul Child to France, knowing it would result in the reawakening of the American palate.
MC: When Vanna orders dancing shrimp, the shrimp aren't drowned in booze, but voluntarily dance for her before jumping into her mouth to die happy.
Marc: I heard that Vanna has never waited 15 minutes after finishing a meal before returning to the pool.
MC: Vanna eats ortolan without a linen napkin over her head. What does she have to be ashamed of?
MC: Vanna thinks ghost chilies are wimpy, but is too polite to say so.
Drew: If Vanna accidentally puts ketchup on a hot dog, it turns to mustard.
MC: Vanna White forgives Pat Sajak over 4am scrambled eggs.
MC: Vanna White saved David Chang's failing ramen shop by showing him how it's done.
MC: Vanna checked Anthony Bourdain into rehab, but has mixed feelings about it now.
MC: Vanna nearly broke up Bowie and Imam's marriage when he couldn't stop talking about her carnitas tamales.
Drew: Vanna doesn't have to hand-pull noodles; when they see her, they pull themselves
MC: Vladimir Putin fears no man and no thing, but he quakes in hope that Vanna will like his beluga and vodka service.
MC: Vanna was the only one of Keller's friends with the guts to tell him his ratatouille dish in "Ratatouille" was the least appetizing thing in the movie, and as she tartly put it, "That film has a lot of scenes of rats eating garbage."
Drew: I'm sad. Only 5 results on twitter when I searched "vanna garlic"
MC: Vanna once told a young Rene Redzepi, "You know, your food's pretty good, but you know what would make it great? Put a bunch of twigs and stuff on it."
MC: The finest Kobe beef from Hyogo Prefecture comes from Wagyu steers who get daily massages, dine on rice straw, drink sake, and watch an endless looped video of Vanna turning over the letter "K".
MC: The most prized copy of Playboy among collectors features a lingerie shoot of Vanna in which she confesses her favorite dish is "sashimi made from the flesh of my enemies."
MC: As heir to the fortune of a great-grandfather who invented the orange powder essential to Kraft Macaroni n' Cheese, Vanna was expected to go into the industrial food business. Her entertainment career was her way of breaking from the soulless path laid out for her by familial obligations. She has no regrets.
MC: If, after a night of passion with Vanna White, she serves you grilled Fluffernutters in bed the next morning, you did well. If it's Fage with fresh strawberries, don't expect her to return your subsequent calls.
MC: Vanna White gets a nickel royalty for every hamburger served in the US. Yep: everybody serving a hamburger was her idea.
MC: Vanna White likes to tilt at windmills. She's the secret mastermind behind a SuperPAC whose goal is to legislate public-school teaching of European-style dining with the fork in the left hand, knife in the right. Its secondary goal is the US adoption of the metric system.
MC: Vanna White's favorite beauty secret is a good night's sleep. She just texted me to remind me of my early alarm tomorrow.
I know. Food nerds.